Silver Queen Hotel Haunted Rooms

The Silver Queen Hotel In Nevada Is A Creepy Historic Hotel
The Silver Queen Hotel In Nevada Is A Creepy Historic Hotel from

Silver Queen Hotel Haunted Rooms


Located in the heart of the picturesque town of Virginia City, Nevada, the Silver Queen Hotel is a historic landmark with a reputation for being haunted. Built in the late 1800s during the height of the silver mining boom, the hotel has witnessed countless stories of paranormal activity over the years.

History of the Silver Queen Hotel

The Silver Queen Hotel was originally constructed in 1876 and quickly became a popular destination for miners seeking their fortune in the nearby Comstock Lode. The hotel boasted luxurious accommodations, fine dining, and a lively saloon where miners would gather after a long day of work.

As the silver mining industry declined in the early 1900s, so did the popularity of the Silver Queen Hotel. The building fell into disrepair and was eventually abandoned. It wasn’t until the 1970s that efforts were made to restore the hotel to its former glory.

Reports of Hauntings

Since its restoration, the Silver Queen Hotel has gained a reputation for being one of the most haunted places in Nevada. Guests and staff members have reported various paranormal experiences, including strange sounds, flickering lights, and objects moving on their own.

One of the most commonly reported haunted areas in the hotel is Room 11. Guests staying in this room have claimed to see apparitions, hear disembodied voices, and feel an eerie presence. Many believe that the spirit of a former miner, who met a tragic end in the nearby mineshaft, haunts this room.

Ghostly Sightings

Visitors to the Silver Queen Hotel have also reported sightings of a ghostly woman in a flowing white dress. She is often seen wandering the hallways or standing near the grand staircase. Some believe she may be the spirit of a former hotel guest who tragically died during her stay.

Other paranormal occurrences include unexplained cold spots, doors opening and closing on their own, and the feeling of being touched by invisible hands. These experiences have intrigued ghost hunters and paranormal enthusiasts from around the world.

The Silver Queen Hotel Today

Despite its haunted reputation, the Silver Queen Hotel remains a popular destination for tourists visiting Virginia City. The hotel offers comfortable accommodations, a cozy saloon, and a chance to experience the rich history of the area.

For those brave enough to stay in one of the haunted rooms, the Silver Queen Hotel offers a unique opportunity to possibly encounter the supernatural. Ghost hunting equipment is available for rent, and the hotel staff is always willing to share their own ghostly encounters.


Whether you believe in ghosts or not, the stories surrounding the Silver Queen Hotel are undeniably intriguing. The hotel’s rich history and reported paranormal activity make it a must-visit destination for those seeking a unique and spine-chilling experience.